Holiday AMRAP

Workout of the Week
Holiday AMRAP Workout

Find a space that is clear in front, behind, and to each side of you to avoid injury.  Perform a warm-up that consists of an activity that gradually increases your heart rate and moves your joints through a moderate to large range of motion such as the one below.  Perform each exercise in the warm-up for 45 seconds.

It is encouraged that you modify each exercise to a version that is best for you.

In this workout, AMRAP stands for “as many rounds as possible.” This means that you will complete the given circuit as many times as possible in the amount of time given. For this festive workout, put on a playlist of 5-6 of your favorite holiday (or non-holiday) songs. You will complete the circuit below continuously until your playlist ends. Rest as needed. If you prefer to not use music, put on an 18-20 minute timer and repeat the circuit until it ends.

woman demonstrating jumping jacks woman demonstrating reverse lunges
woman demonstrating leg swings  


The amount of reps per exercise are as follows: 10-15 burpee+tuck jump, 8-10 renegade pushups, 28-10 squat+toe touches, 8-10 plank up down+plank jack, 12-15 box step ups, and 8-10 forward and backward sprints. (use modification if needed)
woman demonstrating burpee + tuck jump woman demonstrating modified burpee + tuck jump
woman demonstrating renegade pushups woman demonstrating modified renegade pushups
woman demonstrating squat + toe touch woman demonstrating modified squat + toe touch
woman demonstrating plank up down + plank jack woman demonstrating modified plank up down + plank jack
woman demonstrating box step ups woman demonstrating modified box step ups
woman demonstrating forward and backward sprints woman demonstrating modified forward and backward sprints


Perform a cool-down that allows for your heart rate to gradually slow down to a normal rate and hold static stretches such as the ones below for 20-30 seconds each. 
woman demonstrating quad stretch woman demonstrating chest and back opener
woman demonstrating knee to chest stretch