Holiday 12

Workout of the Week
Holiday 12 Workout

Find a space that is clear in front, behind, and to each side of you to avoid injury.  Perform a warm-up that consists of an activity that gradually increases your heart rate and moves your joints through a moderate to large range of motion such as the one below.  Perform each exercise in the warm-up for 45 seconds.

It is encouraged that you modify each exercise to a version that is best for you.

This is a holiday-themed, descending repetition workout. Throw on your favorite holiday playlist and get to work.

woman demonstrating jogging woman demonstrating scissor jumps


This set of 12 exercises will be completed 12 times total. In the first round, each exercise is to be completed 12 times before moving onto the next exercise. Rest for about one minute after the round is completed, then perform each exercise 11 times, then 10, 9, 8, etc. Your workout will look like this: Perform each exercise 12 times. Each exercise 11 times Each exercise 10 times Each exercise 9 times Continue, ending with each exercise 1 time  (use modification if needed)
woman demonstrating pushups woman demonstrating modified pushups
woman demonstrating forward and backward lunges woman demonstrating modified forward and backward lunge
woman demonstrating squat jump woman demonstrating modified squat jump
woman demonstrating jumping jacks woman demonstrating modified jumping jacks
woman demonstrating butterfly situp woman demonstrating modified butterfly situp
woman demonstrating superman burpees woman demonstrating modified superman burpees
woman demonstrating ski jumps woman demonstrating modified ski jumps
woman demonstrating mountain climber kick throughs woman demonstrating modified mountain climber kick throughs
woman demonstrating X jumps woman demonstrating modified X jumps
woman demonstrating tricep pushups woman demonstrating modified tricep pushups
woman demonstrating V-ups woman demonstrating modified V-ups
woman demonstrating situps woman demonstrating modified situps


Perform a cool-down that allows for your heart rate to gradually slow down to a normal rate and hold static stretches such as the ones below for 20-30 seconds each. 
woman demonstrating butterfly woman demonstrating sit and reach