Cardio HIIT

Workout of the Week
Cardio HIIT

Find a space that is clear in front, behind, and to each side of you to avoid injury.  Perform a warm-up that consists of an activity that gradually increases your heart rate and moves your joints through a moderate to large range of motion such as the one below.  Perform each exercise in the warm-up for 45 seconds.

It is encouraged that you modify each exercise to a version that is best for you.

Repeat each circuit 3 times total. Perform the first & second time with the intervals 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off (rest) for each move at 70-80% intensity. Perform the third time through the circuit with the interval 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off (rest)-- going ALL OUT at 90-100% intensity. Increasing speed and power through each movement to increase intensity. Rest as needed between circuits.

woman demonstrating high knee holds woman demonstrating high knees
woman demonstrating butt kicks


40 on 20 off x 2 | 30 on 30 off x 1  (use modification if needed)
woman demonstrating jump ropes and sprints woman demonstrating modified jump ropes and sprints
woman demonstrating side to side squat punch woman demonstrating modified side to side squat punch
woman demonstrating star jumps woman demonstrating modified star jumps
40 on 20 off x 2 | 30 on 30 off x 1  (use modification if needed)
woman demonstrating flutter kick squats woman demonstrating modified flutter kick squats
woman demonstrating lateral sprints woman demonstrating modified lateral sprints
woman demonstrating speed skaters woman demonstrating modified speed skaters


Perform a cool-down that allows for your heart rate to gradually slow down to a normal rate and hold static stretches such as the ones below for 20-30 seconds each. 
woman demonstrating toe reach woman demonstrating side and leg stretch
woman demonstrating butterfly stretch