How to Start a Club

Step 1: Review the Sport Club Manual and follow the New Sport Club Checklist (links below).

Step 2: Contact the Recreational Sports Office for assistance on how to start a Sport Club, 940-565-2275 or

Step 3: Review Student Activities guidelines on how to start a club: Student Org Registration. For assistance, Contact Student Activities in the Union Room 345 or by phone: 940-565.3807.

Step 4: Once an approved student organization, the club may publicize on campus and hold an organizational meeting for interested students to join the club. Rec Sports may assist with publicizing and reserving space to host an interest meeting.

Step 5:Registered clubs, with a sports orientation, may then apply into the Sport Club Program. The student leader must appear and present before the Sport Club Council who will then vote on a recommendation to the Sport Club Staff on the approval of the club.

Step 6: Sport Club authorization and a club budget will be approved or disapproved by the Director of Recreational Sports, Assistant Director and the Sport Club Council.

Sport Club Manual UNT SPORT CLUBs New Club Checklist

Additional Forms & Information

Sport Club Forms Sport Club Important Dates