Scott Leek
Email: scottleek@my.unt.edu
Club: Esports
Major: Accounting and Auditing BS/MS
Favorite Club Memory: My best memory in our clubs must be the launching days of Valorant, where only a
select few of us had access to the beta keys for the game. We anticipated this game
so much that I founded the UNT Valorant club with my close friend Bradley Duncan a
month before launch day. The experience of a game that satisfied our hunger for a
new take on a tactical competitive shooter, similar to our experiences in CS:GO, was
exhilarating. Combined with the timing of lockdowns and COVID, we had all the time
in the world to frag.
Favorite Sports Team: Team Liquid for their 2019 Summer Grand Slam run.

Victoria Williams
Email: Victoria857421@gmail.com
Club: Archery
Major: B.A.A.S, Specializing in Cultural Anthropology
Favorite Club Memory: Leading our team to the USA Archery Collegiate Nationals at Texas A&M! I loved getting
to coach, shoot next to, and cheer on my incredible archers and friends. We took home
several national placements that year, I was incredibly proud!
Favorite Sports Team: The United States (Olympic) Archery Team; Women's Compound