Upper Body Strength 2

Instructions: Find a space that is clear in front, behind, and to each side of you to avoid injury. Perform a warm-up (such as the one listed below) that consists of an activity that increases your heart rate and moves your joints through a moderate to large range of motion.

Workout: Perform each exercise for 8-12 repetitions and repeat for 3-4 sets. Rest between each set for 1-2 minutes as needed. It is encouraged that you modify each exercise to a version that is best for you. This workout can be done with or without weights.


Torso Rotations female demonstrating torso rotations Pelvic Stretch female demonstrating pelvic stretch
Arm Circles female demonstrating arm circles Heel Reach to Overhead female demonstrating heel reach to overhead





Push Ups
(8-12 repetitions)

woman demonstrating push up


woman demonstrating modified push up


Pike Push Ups
(8-12 repetitions)

woman demonstrating pike push up


woman demonstrating modified pike push up


Superman, Elbow Drive
(8-12 repetitions)

woman demonstrating superman elbow drive


woman demonstrating modified superman elbow drive


Low Plank to High Plank
(8-12 repetitions)

woman demonstrating low to high plank


woman demonstrating modified low to high plank


Rest for 1-2 minutes as needed before beginning next set.
Repeat entire workout for 3-4 sets. Modify exercises, rests, and sets as needed.



Heel to Glute female demonstrating heel to glute Knee to Chest female demonstrating knee to chest
Link & Lift Hands Behind Back female demonstrating linked hands lifted behind back Arm Behind Head Stretch female demonstrating arm behind head stretch