Morning Energizer

Workout of the Week
Morning Energizer

Find a space that is clear in front, behind, and to each side of you to avoid injury. Perform a warm-up that consists of an activity that gradually increases your heart rate and moves your joints through a moderate to large range of motion such as the one below. Perform each exercise in the warm-up for 45 seconds.

It is encouraged that you modify each exercise to a version that is best for you.

This workout will be completed in an AMRAP (“as many rounds as possible”) style. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes and complete each of the 5 given exercises with the given number of repetitions for as many rounds as possible. Rest as needed.

Equipment needed: Mat, water


woman demonstrating squats

woman demonstrating walking jumping lunges

woman demonstrating lateral lunges

woman demonstrating running push up for 10-12 reps woman demonstrating modified running push up for 10-12 reps
woman demonstrating L drop squat for 12-15 reps woman demonstrating modified L drop squat for 12-15 reps
woman demonstrating inchworm to reach for 10-12 reps woman demonstrating modified inchworm to reach for 10-12 reps
woman demonstrating lunge + pulse for 12-15 reps woman demonstrating modified lunge + pulse for 12-15 reps
woman demonstrating bicycle rotations for 12-15 reps woman demonstrating modified bicycle rotations for 12-15 reps
Perform a cool-down that allows for your heart rate to gradually slow down to a normal rate and hold static stretches such as the ones below for 20-30 seconds each. 
woman demonstrating sit up to reach woman demonstrating lunge to side reach
woman demonstrating shoulder rolls