Full Body Strength 3

Find a space that is clear in front, behind, and to each side of you to avoid injury. Perform a warm-up that consists of an activity that gradually increases your heart rate and moves your joints through a moderate to large range of motion such as the one below. Perform each exercise in the warm-up for 45 seconds.

It is encouraged that you modify each exercise to a version that is best for you.

Complete each exercise in Circuit 1 with the given number of repetitions per exercise. Repeat the entire circuit 3 to 4 times total. Then complete each exercise in Circuit 2 with the given number of repetitions per exercise, repeating the entire circuit 3 to 4 times total. Take 1-2 minutes rest between each full circuit round. Feel free to add or remove weight for a workout that best fits your needs and goals.

Equipment needed: A set (or multiple sets) of dumbbells or objects of varying weight.

woman demonstrating high knee holds woman demonstrating opposite hand to toe
woman demonstrating arm circles
Perform each exercise in the circuit, repeating the entire circuit 3 to 4 times total. Take 1-2 minutes rest between each full circuit round.
woman demonstrating forward to back lunge woman demonstrating modified forward to back lunge
woman demonstrating hammer curl to press woman demonstrating modified hammer curl to press
woman demonstrating squat to deadlift woman demonstrating modified squat to deadlift
Perform each exercise in the circuit, repeating the entire circuit 3 to 4 times total. Take 1-2 minutes rest between each full circuit round.
woman demonstrating chest press woman demonstrating modified chest press
woman demonstrating wide goblet squats + pulse woman demonstrating modified wide goblet squats + pulse
woman demonstrating cross body bicep curls woman demonstrating modified cross body bicep curls
Perform a cool-down that allows for your heart rate to gradually slow down to a normal rate and hold static stretches such as the ones below for 20-30 seconds each. 
woman demonstrating sit up and reach woman demonstrating quad stretch
woman demonstrating down dog